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6A - Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Cossins

Welcome to Year 6, our last year before you all start your new adventure at secondary school. 

Our teachers are Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Cossins, who are lucky enough to share the teaching week with Mrs Pervaiz who works in our class every day. 

We have had a great start to Year 6, and have definitely shown the school value of respect, displaying a great attitude to our learning and enjoying life in Year 6! 

We are really enjoying studying and learning about World War 2, using our class novel of 'Letters from the Lighthouse' to enhance our learning in this history topic. 

Some key reminders

We have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday.

Maths homework will be sent home on a Wednesday, to be returned on Friday, and English homework on Friday, to be returned on a Monday. Don't forget to take home a reading book from the class or school library. 

Continue to look on our class pages, where we will be posting regular photos of our work and learning experiences in Year 6.